Connecticut Traffic Tickets
Getting a traffic ticket can be extremely expensive, between the fines and the higher car insurance premiums. However, getting a traffic ticket can have further consequences. It can affect your ability to drive if you get too many traffic violations in a certain amount of time. There are many reasons that you might want to hire traffic ticket attorneys in Connecticut to represent you after a traffic violation. They know the law and the vast majority of these attorneys do DUI work as well. Look through the vast attorney directory on Drivers License Restorers to find the attorney that is best for your individual case. That’s the beauty of a directory, you can compare.
Point System in Connecticut
It is important to understand that too many traffic tickets can result in suspension or revocation of your Connecticut driver’s license. Each traffic violation is assessed a certain number of points on your driving record. Most moving violations are assessed one to three points. However, more serious offenses can be from four to five points. Expert traffic ticket attorneys in Connecticut can help you wade through how points will affect your ability to drive. Not being able to drive because of traffic tickets will hinder all areas of your life. A good attorney will help you mitigate your problem, if it is possible.
If you accumulate ten points on your driving record, your Connecticut license will be suspended for 30 days. Additional points after that time can result in additional suspensions or revocations if you accumulate an additional 10 points within five years.
Fighting a Traffic Ticket in Connecticut
The first thing you should do when you get a traffic ticket in Connecticut is decide how you would like to proceed. If you do not act promptly, you could face a suspension of your license. You may decide to pay the fine and take the points, but if you want to fight the ticket – you should hire an experienced Connecticut attorney who specializes in traffic tickets to assist you. You may need to contact the Connecticut DMV to determine how to request a court date and plead not guilty to the ticket.
If you have lost your driver’s license due to traffic tickets, these Connecticut traffic attorneys may also be able to assist you. In addition to traffic tickets, many of them also focus on driver’s license reinstatement in Connecticut. If you are concerned about your driving privileges, hiring an attorney is the best option.
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