Fort Pierce Criminal Defense Attorneys
If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime in the Treasure Coast, you need to seek expert legal counsel as soon as possible. Time is of the essence after an arrest, and acting quickly to secure competent defense can make a difference in the success of your case. The attorneys at Ohle & Ohle, P.A. in Fort Pierce, have helped thousands of people by defending the rights of the accused. They can help you.Making an informed decision in who will represent you or your loved one is just as critical as the element of time.
Your choice of legal representation can make a big difference in the outcome of a criminal case. Ohle & Ohle, P.A. in Fort Pierce are criminal defense lawyers with years of combined experience in successfully defending those accused of a crime.
Fort Pierce DUI lawyers can help

If you or a loved one is arrested for DUI in the Treasure Coast area, including Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, Stuart, Vero Beach and surrounding areas, obtaining the services of a competent criminal defense lawyer is a critical part of the defense of your case. An attorney experienced in defending those accused of DUI and related crimes will work with you to ensure that all available evidence is analyzed, all testimony is recorded and that the rights of the accused are protected.
In Florida, there were 63,019 DUI arrests in 2009. Those convicted of the charge of DUI for the first time are faced with a number of penalties: (1)
- Suspension of driver license for at least six months
- Fine of at least $500; up to $1,000
- Fifty hours of community service
- Maximum six months in prison
- Probation of up to one year
The negative effects don’t stop there. A DUI is a criminal offense, and unlike a minor traffic violation, it never leaves your record.
Alcohol and many over-the-counter (OTC) medications have the potential to impair a driver’s faculties. Even the smallest amount could affect the reactions of a driver. However, your particular circumstances may be different. If you live in the Treasure Coast, our DUI attorneys are close by to help you.
Treasure Coast DUI Statistics for 2009: (2)
- In Indian County, 511 people were arrested for DUI. Those who were found guilty total 367. More than 28 percent (144) of those charged were not convicted of the charge of DUI.
- In St. Lucie County, 901 arrests were made for DUI. Of those, 255 were not convicted of the charges – totaling more than 28 percent.
- In Martin County, there were 810 DUI arrests; only 624 of those were found guilty of the charge. Twenty-two percent avoided conviction.
It’s very likely that the reason for the high numbers of those who were not convicted of DUI is because of skilled representation by an experienced Treasure Coast criminal defense attorney who has an intimate knowledge of Florida DUI laws.
For those who have been arrested in the Treasure Coast, DUI lawyers can help by providing expert investigative skills, sensitivity to your particular circumstance and aggressive protection of their client’s rights. With this in mind, it’s important to retain skilled representation by a dedicated criminal defense attorney in the Treasure Coast.
Ohle & Ohle are criminal defense attorneys and represent Treasure Coast drug arrest clients in Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, Stuart, Vero Beach and surrounding areas.
- Florida DUI and Administrative Suspension Laws
- Florida Department of Public Safety Report: Florida Uniform Traffic Citation Statistics 2009
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