DUI Driver’s License Reinstatement in Kansas

Reinstate Your Suspended Driver's License in Kansas.

Driver’s License Restoration Kansas

There are many ways that you can lose your driving privileges in Kansas, but a DUI is the most difficult to navigate on your own. It is a good idea to contact Kansas DUI attorneys as soon as you are arrested for an alcohol-related driving offense. This will ensure that you do not go without your driver’s license any longer than necessary.

Kansas Administrative Suspensions

If you are pulled over while driving under the influence in Kansas, you will face an administrative suspension of 30-days. The administrative suspension takes effect if you fail a chemical test with a BAC of .08% or higher, or if you refuse to submit to the test. After the 30-day suspension, you could also be required to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle for six months to one year.

The administrative suspension cannot be overturned if you have a failed chemical test. However, with the help of driver’s license reinstatement attorneys in Kansas, you could have reduced penalties and be able to forego the ignition interlock device if you are found not guilty in criminal court. In addition to the ignition interlock device, there is a $200 reinstatement fee for the administrative suspension.

Kansas Criminal Revocations

In addition to administrative penalties, you could face criminal DUI charges. If convicted of a DUI in a Kansas court, you could face longer driver’s license revocations, court fines, community service, and court ordered alcohol treatment. In order to protect your Kansas driver’s license, you should enlist the aid of Kansas DUI attorneys to represent you in court.

If you lose your driver’s license to a court ordered revocation, you may qualify for a restricted license. To get the restricted license, you will have to satisfy all court ordered fines and requirements, install an ignition interlock device, and pay a restricted license application fee of $100. For more information about DUI reinstatement in Kansas visit their website.


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