Sally Goodman Law

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FIND A LAWYER THAT GETS RESULTS. SALLY IS A TOUGH, AGGRESSIVE ATTORNEY WHO SPECIALIZES IN FEDERAL CRIMINAL DEFENSE AND KNOWS THE SYSTEM. Federal criminal defense attorney Sally Goodman represents individuals accused of serious crimes in the Dallas, Texas area. Her office is not afraid to handle the tough cases or unpopular charges such as rape, aggravated sexual assault, child pornography, Internet solicitation of a child and indecency with a child. She also represents individuals accused of common white collar crimes: DWI, mortgage fraud, health care fraud, drug possession, insurance fraud, domestic violence, drug trafficking, probation violations, expunctions and burglary. She is also available to assist with bond hearings, sex offender registration and sealing of criminal records. When you need to find a lawyer, look no further than Sally Goodman.

EXPERIENCED DALLAS / FT. WORTH DWI / DUI ATTORNEY Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DWI/DUI) is the most common criminal offense committed in the U.S. Arrests are at an all-time high because legislators keep increasing the penalties against offenders, in response to America’s serious highway fatality statistics. We routinely defend clients against the full range of DWI/DUI offenses, including: DWI/DUI, first offense DWI/DUI, repeat offenses Aggravated DWI/DUI or felony DWI/DUI Underage DUI Breath And Blood Test Refusals/Failures ALR hearings As a Dallas DWI lawyer, our approach is that every case is unique in some way, and every case — even one that appears to be a definite conviction – has a weakness that can be exploited. Finding those weaknesses and using them to the benefit of our client has saved hundreds of clients from the severe set of punishments for DWI/DUI conviction. In many instances it usually comes down to smaller things such as: Did the police observe proper procedures when they pulled you over and issued a DUI? What was the actual reason they pulled you over? Did you eat anything unusual before submitting to the Breathalyzer test? DWI/DUI laws are stringent, and Breathalyzer tests constitute a kind of self-incrimination. There are always two very important pieces of advice to remember when facing DWI/DUI charges: Don’t give yourself up. Don’t confess. Don’t discuss the case with the police. They are not your friends, no matter how reassuring they may seem. Let your attorney do all your talking. Carry the number of an experienced DWI/DUI lawyer on your person at all times, and use it as soon as you are arrested. Our number is 214-748-3230. Sally Goodman has made a reputation for herself with her success in defending individuals charged with refusing to take the Intoxilyzer 2000 breath test. In addition, she also assists in preventing license revocations and obtains expunctions for DWI/DUI arrests. Contact the Dallas DUI lawyer that will clear your case.

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