Attorneys / Ontario
Ontario Lawyer Directory
Find the best Ontario lawyers for traffic tickets, traffic violations, DUI offenses, driver’s license reinstatement, and more! Search the most extensive online Ontario Lawyer Directory for highly-rated traffic lawyers, DUI lawyers, and law firms in Ontario. Compare attorney profiles to find the best Ontario lawyer for your case.
The Traffic Lawyers
Oakville, Ontario L6H 0C3

Ontario DUI Attorneys who can help you with impaired driving. If you are charged with impaired driving this is the team to hire. Call today to get free!
Michael Engel DUI Defense Lawyer
Toronto, Ontario M5A 1V1

Michael Engel – DUI Defense Lawyer WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DRINKING AND DRIVING LAW IN CANADA The law surrounding drinking and driving offences is extremely technical, complex and ever-changing. These offences are taken …
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Mass Tsang LLP
Toronto, Ontario M5M 3Z2

Drinking and Driving offences such as Impaired Driving, providing breath sample Over 80 mgs, and refusing or failing to provide a breath sample are Criminal Code offences in Canada. A DUI (Driving under the influence) …
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Kruse Law: Criminal and DUI Lawyers
London, Ontario N6J 2K1

COMMITMENT, EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE IN EVERY CASE, THAT’S THE KRUSE LAW FIRM! The lawyers at the Kruse Law Firm have an impeccable reputation for providing only our best legal representation for every London client. Our …
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Daniel Brown Law
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2X3

DUI Lawyer Toronto Toronto Lawyer Defends Your Impaired Driving and Driving Over 80 Charges Being charged with “drinking and driving” or DUI (driving under the influence) such as impaired driving, driving over 80 or refusing a breath sample is a …
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Caramanna Friedberg Barristers & Solicitors LLP
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z6

Impaired Driving (DUI) Lawyer in Toronto Drinking and Driving (aka “DUI”) Offences Getting charged with a Drinking and Driving offence can be a very daunting experience, we are here to help. Drinking and Driving offences …
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