and Visitation
Douglas H. Smith
Providence, Rhode Island 02907 -3417
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QUALITY LEGAL SERVICES AT REASONABLE RATES For more than 25 years, attorney Douglas Smith has been providing complete legal services in a comfortable atmosphere. From complex business litigation and construction issues to sensitive divorce issues, …
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Matthew S. Williams Attorney at Law
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 -2201
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Specialties: Adoption, and Trusts, and Visitation, and Visitation Orders, Apparel, Asbestos, Business and Commercial Disputes, Chemicals & Cosmetics, Child Custody, Child Support, Closely Held Businesses, Commercial Collections, Criminal Law, Custody, Custody & Visitation, Dissolution, Divorce, Divorce and family law, Domestic Violence & Neglect, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse and Neglect Cases (CHINS), DUI, DUI/DWI/OWI Drunk-Driving Defense, Estate Planning, Family Law, Habiyual Traffic Offender, Litigation, Machinery & Tools, Marital Property Division, Modifications of Support, Parole & Probation, Partnerships, Personal Injury, Personal Injury and Products Liability Claims, Powers of Attorney and Appointment, Property Foreclosures, Real Estate, Real Estate Litigation, Recreational Products, Residential Real Estate Closings, Slip and Fall -- Plaintiff, Spousal and Child Support, State and Federal Criminal Defense, State Appellate Practice, State Planning, State Trial Practice, Theft, Toxic Torts, Trusts, Wills