Attorneys / Manitoba
Manitoba Lawyer Directory
Find the best Manitoba lawyers for traffic tickets, traffic violations, DUI offenses, driver’s license reinstatement, and more! Search the most extensive online Manitoba Lawyer Directory for highly-rated traffic lawyers, DUI lawyers, and law firms in Manitoba. Compare attorney profiles to find the best Manitoba lawyer for your case.
Mayer Dearman Pellizzaro
Thompson, Manitoba R8N 0L6

YOUR RIGHT TO DEFENCE If you are brought in for police questioning, are accused of a criminal offence, or are arrested, you have the right to legal support and advice. Get access to the right …
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Kavawood Law Firm
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4J9

Impaired Driving/DUI Don’t face an Impaired Driving charge without the power of KAVAWOOD on your side. Impaired driving law is a key focus of our work. We have over 29 years of combined criminal law …
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Alghoul Law and Associates
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1K4

Other than the obvious financial burden, being convicted of driving under the influence can also lead to loss of the ability to drive a motor vehicle–sometimes even the loss of employment. People way too often …
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